Cheers to great neighbors!
What an awesome way to start off a new career and new year! Thank you to my neighbors and friends for being my very first photo shoot on January 1, 2014! They made it easy on me. I mean look at these guys!
Love that I captured this real moment!
They are such an easy going and fun loving couple! What I love about Vi and Dan is that they are genuine, real and natural people. I tried to capture that in their photos.
One of my absolute favorites!
Their love for each other and their new baby girl literally shines through in every picture. Could Anna be any cuter?
Love the backlight on this photo and that intensely beautiful look from little Anna. Lucky parents!
She’s such a sweet, quiet baby and stunning in every photo. She’s just a perfect mix of the two!
Beautiful baby!
What's even more awesome is that she's the same age as my daughter, Laken, and they are bound to be the best of buds!
Anna and Laken chilin' in the park. I love how they have the same foot up! :)
I just know it's going to be an amazing year for this family!
Happy New Year!
Lots of love,