Ryland James Tacke
It doesn't matter where I've lived, I've always found connections to home. I met Chris, Jen, Jameson and Ryland through Chris' sister, Vicki-Lynn. Vicki-Lynn and I used to work together on occasion when I covered the news at Q2 in Billings, Montana. That was years ago, but of course, we're still friends on Facebook. I was completely surprised and honored when she contacted me to take some very special pictures of her very special nephew.
Mommy and Ryland
What a beautiful gift to her brother and sister-in-law! Ryland was born on March 13th to this gorgeous and fun new family!
Tacke Family
He's so lucky to have such a cool big brother who loves him! I imagine as Ryland gets older the playing will get a little more rough than this precious moment in the wagon.
So precious
Sweet little frog
Ryland was such a sweetie. Once he realized the blanket was soft and warm he cozied up to the idea of multiple hats and props.
You can get this great Montana made beanie on Jilly Beanies Boutique on Etsy. Many cute options! https://www.etsy.com/shop/JillyBeaniesBoutique
Easter picture
Maybe he'll be a football player like Daddy?
The photo shoot wouldn't be complete without a picture of Ryland wearing a Montana hat that Vicki had sent from Billings. It hadn't showed up yet, so Chris and Jennifer checked the mail all afternoon. Sure enough, it got there just in time and fit perfectly!
I hope Ryland gets to explore his Montana roots someday!
Lots of tic Tacke toes! :)
Congrats to the Tacke family who just grew by 10 more toes! Taking these pictures made me so happy. I hope they make you happy too!
Lots of love,