Photo sessions make great gifts! Not only do you get amazing photos of your family to keep forever, but you get an experience and hopefully it's a really good one! I try to make my sessions low-key, fun and memorable, especially for the dads. It's important to make them happy because they're usually the ones who get talked into family photos by mom and sometimes they're not exactly thrilled to be there.

With Justin, that wasn't the case! I did a mini session with his wife, Melissa, and their three kids awhile back. I caught a great moment of all four of them that people really loved. Melissa looked so happy with the twins in her lap and the look on Dominic's face was priceless! Justin was at work and missed out on the family fun. According to Melissa, he got a little jealous! :) He wanted photos with his babes too and can you blame him? Dom and the twins are adorable! Melissa, the wonderful wife that she is, booked a family session as a Father's Day gift for Justin. 

I made sure to get a similar photo of Justin and the kids. He looked extremely happy too and we even got a smile and clap out of Landon! The kids were so sweet, laid-back and well-behaved. It helped that they are extremely photogenic too! I just love the shots I got of Justin and his babies. He's such a great dad and husband. What a lucky guy to have such a beautiful family. That's a great gift every day!

These photos were definitely made with lots of love!


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